Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hug, kiss, & a squeeze

My 4 year old is so damn cute I can't stand it. During bed time she has added a routine to the final goodnight, meaning, "lights-out-go-to-bed-now".

I put her in her bed, tuck her in, and she yells, (she can't use her indoor voice) she has to yell, "Hug, kiss, and a squeeze, Mama!"

I give her a hug, a kiss, and then she wants me to squeeze her, literally squeeze her. I have no idea where this has come from, but its so cute, and she laughs like crazy when I do it. She cannot go to bed without these 3 things.

One time I forgot the squeeze, and you would have thought I told her that there was never going to be a Christmas...again...ever.


Zion said...

Awww Emily is such a sweetie!