Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Price Check!

I found it interesting today at work when I was asked to do price changes for condoms. Most of the time my job is pretty mundane, but today I was intrigued by my task.

I get all my little papers and new price tags, and I make my way to the "Family Planning" aisle.

Two hours later....

Seriously! It took me 2 hours to change the prices, there are that many condoms out there. The variety is insane! Not only that, after spending 2 hours with a bunch of condoms, there is only one thing on your mind.

Well...ok, my mind is a filthy trip and a half anyways, so I guess I can't really argue my case. Those of you that know me get what I'm trying to say...I think? *giggle*


Zion said...

You Dirty Bird LOL - glad you have fun at work ;)

VERONICA said...


I love the fact that the aisle is called "Family Planning." It always makes me imagine a couple going to that aisle to discuss when to have children...because it's tacky to discuss it in the magazine aisle?

Cathie said...

LOL! All in a days work.