Monday, May 4, 2009

Its hot, no...its cold...

I'm willing to put myself out there for the embarrassment, because I just don't know if crap like this happens to anyone else.

In my defense, I was VERY tired...exhausted, actually. My youngest was up 3 or 4 times the night before, and my 4 year old, who does sleep through the night, decided she would join in on the fun, and wake up at 1:00am, and cry for about 2 hours (allergies made for uncomfortable sleeping). So I was tired, so very tired, the next day.

The girls and I are hanging out, and as an after dinner treat, I told them we were going to have ice cream. I got a big bowl for us all to share. I stick the spoon in and scoop up a nice big glob of ice cream, and I am about to offer it to my almost-two-year-old, and what do I do? God help me, I blew on the ice cream, as if it were hot and I had to cool it off.

Now I am rather indifferent in my own right, and there have been a few times where I've referred to myself as a psycho, and quirky, but I'm not stupid. I reiterate, I was just so very tired. I realized what I was doing, so I nixed the ice cream and we all went to bed.

I figured I'd share this insane incident because I know that there are a lot of moms out there that can probably relate, and have their own candid stories of things they have done due to sleep deprivation. If not, well, then feel free to laugh at me.


Cathie said...

I have blown on ice cream before. I think I was tired, not sure.