Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A little about me...

I have been a member of Blogger since June, 2008, and it has been sitting here, pretty much stagnant since then. I finally had the time to sit myself down and look at this thing, and it was completely blank, so here we go...

I am a mom of 2 precious little girls, both of which are adventurous and exciting to be around. They are curious, creative, and can have fun for hours playing with any type of cardboard box you give them. It helps on the days when the laundry piles up or there is housework to be done.

I recently went back to work, after establishing a career as a stay-at-home-mom for about 4 years. I discovered that the theory that all moms who stay home with their children to raise them, truly, do NOT sit on the couch and eat bon bons all day. That is a myth, I can testify to that. The work is 24/7, with no vacation or sick pay, and the rewards of the job are beyond compare. I wouldn't change my decision to do so for anything, having the opportunity to spend that time with my kids in their younger years has been one of the most fulfilling things I have ever been able to do.

A new chapter of my life has begun, where I am slowly but surely joining the working world, once again, and to be honest it freaks me out a little. After 4 years of being home, it has been a bit intimidating to pick up where I left off. I am still working in retail, just for a different company, a smaller steps...and I am happy with where I'm at right now. Of course, this is all still fairly new to me, so ask me that question again in about a year or 2, and I might have a different answer...


Zion said...

I'm proud of you for taking the leap, and your girls will benefit from what ever makes you happy - you know that! I'm glad you started blogging again, I missed you! :)

(btw the word verifacation thing says uroperf - I'm taking it personally LOL J/K)