Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ostriches? No thanks...

I think that by now the people that have told me they read my blog know about my affliction with birds.

I am, quite literally, terrified of them. I have absolutely no idea why, I cannot explain my phobia, or where it came from, because I just don't know. I've felt this way ever since I can remember. Anywho...on with the story.

My husband, who is absolutely sweet in his own right, suggests that tonight we watch a show about the most outrageous videos and animal attacks. I'm all aboard for this, because I love watching insane garbage like that. said animal attack, not bird attack, so I settle down to watch.

What do I see? This huge friggin' ostrich attacks these people in a safari, and actually starts pecking and biting them. I'm watching this saga unfold, completely catatonic on the couch, and my husband is hooting (forgive the bird sound effect) and howling at the television, thinking this is the greatest thing he's ever seen.

I have seen an ostrich in person, not up close, because I don't trust fences or cages with any type of bird in them worth a damn, but on television, this bird was was HUGE. So maybe I'm embellishing by saying HUGE, actually, no I'm not, that was a big bird, and I suggested we watch something else.

My husband, bless his heart, turns to me after the horrifying ostrich attack, and sees the look on my face. I swear I saw the light come on in the attic, he said, "Oh yeah..."


VERONICA said...

One woman's ostrich is another woman's spider! Hilarious :o)