Monday, April 27, 2009

She is brave, for the most part

My husband & I decide we're going to attempt to take the girls to a "zoo".

In "quotes" b/c this place wasn't what I would call a zoo. More of a farmhouse with a couple of animals...and for $36, we probably could have gotten more bang for our buck some where else, but I digress...

My 4 year old is afraid of animals. Where she gets it from, I don't know. It could be that she inherited some type of weird phobia/fear from her mom, who has an inexplicable fright of birds, or maybe her mom is just a psycho? I haven't figured that one out yet, but we decide that we're going to go see all the animals. Maybe even touch one?

I am prepped for this trip, ready to haul ass out of there because my daughter is going to have a coronary when she sees what's in store for her. We get there, and this little bugger is in heaven, loving every minute of it.

We took the guided tour, and she touched and held every animal/reptile we saw. I was amazed at how brave she was, and how much she actually liked it. I was so happy I brought my camera, not only to capture the childhood memories, but for proof, this kid actually liked the animals and didn't run from the joint kicking and screaming.

(Similar to the way her mom felt when we entered the land of our feathered friends along the tour. I kept it together, I swear. I may have repressed the memory to the point where I've created an alter ego, but I survived it.)

The point to this story? The next day, after holding an alligator, a snake, a rabbit, and a chinchilla, we are outside playing, and an ant scampers up over her foot. She completely loses it and screams her head off.

Anyone that can crack the mind of a 4 year old, please, I am all ears...


VERONICA said...

Great post, you really cracked me up!

Congrats on making it through the bird have to be a good role model, you know :o)